(Shared by Fran Donophan)
Think a gallon of gas is expensive? This may put things in perspective!

Diet Snapple 16 oz...... $1.29........................$10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz...... $1.19........................$9.52 per gallon
Gatorade 20 oz...... $1.59........................$10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray 16 oz...... $1.25........................$10.00 per gallon
Brake Fluid 12 oz...... $3.15........................$33.60 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil 6 oz........ $8.35........................$178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4 oz........ $3.85........................$123.20 per gallon
Whiteout 7 oz........ $1.39........................ $25.42 per gallon
Scope 1.5 oz..... $0.99........................ $84.48 per gallon
Evian Water 9 oz .......$1.49........................ $21.19 per gallon ($21.19 for WATER!)

So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, Whiteout, or even worse, Pepto Bismal or Nyquil!

Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pump.


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